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les sœurs




"If It Be Your Will"

If it be your will
That I speak no more
And my voice be still
As it was before
I will speak no more
I shall abide until
I am spoken for
If it be your will
If it be your will
That a voice be true
From this broken hill
I will sing to you
From this broken hill
All your praises they shall ring
If it be your will
To let me sing
From this broken hill
All your praises they shall ring
If it be your will
To let me sing

If it be your will
If there is a choice
Let the rivers fill
Let the hills rejoice
Let your mercy spill
On all these burning hearts in hell
If it be your will
To make us well

And draw us near
And bind us tight
All your children here
In their rags of light
In our rags of light
All dressed to kill
And end this night
If it be your will

If it be your will.


Ring the bells

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in.

~ Leonard Cohen


Mais les Baléares les Baléares ? Georges-Emmanuel Clancier

L'esprit s'y promène au soleil

D'un lent bonheur immuable,

Le rêve a commencé voici longtemps

C'était au fond d'une cache obscure

C'était hier à la croisée d'un regard,

L'idée tenace et folle,

Une balade à travers les peuples

Drus ou trop pensifs,

Jusqu'à ce jour qui gronde

Et me persuade et me somme

De croire aux îles invisibles


13 janvier 1960,

au-dessus des Baléares


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