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L'anglais et l'histoire

..."Grammatical differences between British and Canadian English are very few, since the major changes that were to affect the grammatical structure of English had taken place in Britain well before the periods of heavy immigration to Canada. The grammatical differences that exist are minor ones, concerning choices in the use of prepositions and verbs, which late 18th-century British English had not yet decided…"

("...between 1825 and 1846 more than half a million immigrants came to Canada directly from Britain, and by 1871 over 2 million people in Canada listed the British Isles as their land of origin. These new Canadians brought with them the kind of English that they had learned from their parents, and it bore little similarity to what is now often called Standard British English, or simply Standard English.")


14:07 Publié dans Culture | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)

La vie des idées

Lien du site la vie des idées


10:28 Publié dans Culture | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)



...Le Zimbabwe est actuellement dans un état de détresse quasi inimaginable. La plupart des 11 millions de citoyens du pays ne mangent qu’un repas par jour - ou moins...



09:12 Publié dans Droit | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)