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Il s'autorise la joie de vivre ♣♣♣ deux enfants face à l'oiseau qui s'est cogné contre un carreau




Ce poème raconte cela : deux fillettes se trouvent chez une amie de leur père, et là, l'une d'elle voit un oiseau, un chardonneret couleur d'or,  se heurter au carreau. Les enfants vont réagir à leur manière et l'auteure du poème déclare qu'elle sait aussi que ce sont là les jours les plus sombres qu'elle ait appris à bénir (les jours où l'on assiste à l'agonie de quelqu'un). Le poème :




de Didi Jackson :



It is a goldfinch
one of the two

small girls,
both daughters

of a friend,
sees hit the window

and fall into the fern.
No one hears

the small thump but she,
the youngest, sees

the flash of gold
against the mica sky

as the limp feathered envelope
crumples into the green.

How many times
in a life will we witness

the very moment of death?
She wants a box


and a small towel
some kind of comfort


for this soft body
that barely fits


in her palm. Its head
rolling side to side,


neck broke, eyes still wet
and black as seed.


Her sister, now at her side,
wears a dress too thin


for the season,
white as the winter


only weeks away.
She wants me to help,


wants a miracle.
Whatever I say now


I know weighs more
than the late fall’s


layered sky,
the jeweled leaves


of the maple and elm.
I know, too,


it is the darkest days
I’ve learned to praise —


the calendar packages up time,
the days shrink and fold away


until the new season.
We clothe, burn,


then bury our dead.
I know this ;


they do not.
So we cover the bird,


story its flight,
imagine his beak


They pick the song


and sing it
over and over again.





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