Le poète qui a laissé paître un petit démon dans son poème
Le poète et son petit démon :
Well, I guess no one can have everything.
I must learn to celebrate when I fail.
Inner growth and fortitude follow the sting,
right? Won't I rise with holy wind in my sails?
Yet they always seem to get what I want,
door after door flung open. Why are
the keepers of doors, who haunt
the hopeful halls of fate and desire
so partial to them, but not to me?
Yes, I do feel sorry for myself—don't, brother,
pretend the bitter blanket of self-pity,
hasn't warmed your bones. It's not lovers
or fame I crave, nor even happiness, particularly.
Only to be lifted, just once, above all others.
Comment : il est mignon ton démon. L'auteur : Craig Morgan Teicher
Lu sur Poem a day qui m'envoie en fait deux poèmes par jour, je crois même parfois trois. Je suis gâtée ! ☺
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