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Nouvelle thérapie

"A team at the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) has just identified a brain receptor (5-HT2B) that appears to lie behind the psychostimulant effects of ecstasy. More interesting still, the researchers managed to block this receptor in mice, thus eliminating the effects of the drug."

Destination santé


Dial is a French journal on Latin America published since the seventies (ISSN: 1955-253X). In September 2005, along with a group of Latin-American associates, Dial’s team started AlterInfos, an ambitious multilingual and participative information project taking benefit of developing web technologies. AlterInfos pursues the same goals Dial pursues since 1973: to provide a Latin-American perspective on Latin-American realities. It just grew multilingual as articles are published in Spanish, Portuguese, English and French. It also builds on multilateral participations as collaborators are scattered all around Latin America and the Caribbean.

Dial es una revista francesa de información sobre América Latina que se publica desde la década de los setenta. (ISSN: 1955-253X). En septiembre del 2005, de la mano de un grupo de asociados latinoamericanos, el equipo de Dial lanzó la iniciativa AlterInfos: un ambicioso proyecto de información participativa en cuatro idiomas (francés, español, inglés y portugués) el cual aprovecha las últimas tecnologías de Internet. Ici


Villes de passage

« Geert Mak on urban history and nomadism Dutch author Geert Mak, who recently wrote a book about Istanbul, talks with Alan Posener and Jennifer Wilton about the historical dimensions of a European city. "Even a young European city like Berlin is filled to the brim with history. But in Istanbul, history is being removed with a bulldozer. The old Ottoman Istanbul can scarcely be found. ... The city has become part of a development that Robert Kaplan once called the new nomadism. Millions of people rotate between this city and that one, while the cities themselves become more closely linked, and more similar, to each other. Kaplan calls them 'Metroplexes'. And my home town of Amsterdam is one of them. People don't put down roots in such cities. The historic sections are merely open-air museums now. But there is also a counter-reaction. ? We people have a great knack at making cities anonymous. But we also have a great ability to make them our own again » Le lien