Le cadeau trois ♣♣♣ Viviane Dreyfus ou Forrester
Le poète américain lit son poème et par là même, nous progressons dans la phonétique de l'américain : merci à lui :
Le poème qu'il dit :
And on the first day
god made
something up.
Then everything came along:
seconds, sex and
beasts and breaths and rabies;
hunger, healing,
lust and lust’s rejections ;
swarming things that swarm
inside the dirt;
girth and grind
and grit and shit and all shit’s functions ;
rings inside the treetrunk
and branches broken by the snow ;
pigs’ hearts and stars,
mystery, suspense and stingrays ;
insects, blood
and interests and death ;
eventually, us,
with all our viruses, laments and curiosities ;
all our songs and made-up stories ;
and our songs about the stories we’ve forgotten ;
and all that we’ve forgotten we’ve forgotten ;
and to hold it all together god made time
and those rhyming seasons
that display decay.
Cadeau quatre : Viviane analyse sur l'horreur économique :
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