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Le repos ♣♣♣ Les jeunes impliqués


Une réflexion sur le Repos. En certaines circonstances, il vaut mieux que nos désirs soient contrariés :


"Jeanne de Chantal

C’est un grand trait de la divine Providence, quand elle permet l’infidélité de sa créature, que des affaires se succèdent mal et contrarient nos désirs, car tout cela oblige notre cœur que Dieu a créé libre, à aller se reposer en Lui. Ce pauvre cœur est si faible que, s’il rencontrait toujours dans les créatures du contentement, il irait avec peine au Créateur.

Marie Chantal Geoffroy et Claire Elisabeth Coque, Prier 15 jours avec Sainte Jeanne de Chantal (Nouvelle Cité, 2010)"



Commentaire : devenir fort pour éviter les erreurs. Le repos sera quand même le bienvenu. J'aime encore plus cette réflexion :


"René Voillaume


L’homme a un besoin profond de réalités qui ne servent à rien, sinon à lui donner une plénitude intérieure, un bonheur vrai, comme peut le faire l’amour le plus pur.

René Voillaume, L’éternel vivant (Cerf, 1978)"



L'amour le plus pur n'est jamais déçu. Il est générosité dans la reconnaissance du divin en lui. Cela était mon commentaire de la deuxième réflexion, celle de René Vaillaume. J'ai lu les deux sur le site Jubilate Deo.




Ceux qui s'impliquent :


"The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of the world is well-fed, one third is under-fed and one-third is starving.That's over two billion people dying from hunger.In a survey done in the year 2000, it was found that about 860 million adults in the world were illiterate.Figures suggest that around 100 million people worldwide are homeless.These problems don't just occur in a country far far away from where you are.They occur in every single country all over the world.For example, in the US, up to three and a half million people are homeless each year.Every day, 100,000 people sleep on the streets of Australian towns and cities.The World Food Program estimates that more than ten per cent of the starving people it helps live in urban areas.This is caused primarily by rural people migrating to cities in search of a better life.So what can we, as individuals, do to help?Well, there are two things: you can donate your money, or your time.Le parrainage d'un enfant, autrement dit, verser un peu d'argent chaque mois pour l'aider au niveau de sa nourriture, ses vêtements et sa scolarité,ou faire don d'une somme d'argent à titre régulier à une oeuvre caritative est une chose très utile.However, if you want to see, and feel, that you're doing something good, if you want to see the results of your charitable actions, then why not volunteer in your local community?The first thing to do is decide on an issue you feel strongly about.Do you want to help children, the homeless or the elderly?Do you feel strongly about the environment, education, or abandoned animals?Once you've thought about this, research the different charitable initiatives in your local area.Find one you think your experience, skills and enthusiasm will be suitable for, and contact them.These organizations, whether they're registered charities or just groups of people helping out in their community, are always looking for new volunteers, and they'll let you know how, and when you can help.And there are all kinds of things you could do!You could help deliver meals to the elderly unable to leave their house.In the UK, this is called 'Meals on Wheels', but every country has this kind of charitable organization.You could work in a care center for disadvantaged children.Imagine the joy you could bring to these kids, and the sense of satisfaction you'd feel to know that you'd helped make a child happy.Whatever you do, it doesn't have to be a huge commitment.Even just helping out somewhere once or twice a week makes a difference.We all have such busy lives, but how often do we take the time to help make the lives of other people better?How often do we get that feeling that we've done something good?"



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