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le flirt ou le filtre ? ♣♣♣ La coulée verte


Extrait d'un article de Global sur la guerre au Yémen :



"Coming March 26, 2018  Saudi Arabia will have been at war with impoverished  Yemen for a punitive 3 years.


Three years of an implacable and murderous military campaign that witnessed the death of over 15,000 people – of which mostly unarmed civilians; saw the destruction of civilian infrastructures to the point where Yemen’s health and sanitation systems have all but collapsed; and architected a humanitarian blockade that led to a grand famine and the spread of diseases.


Yemen’s 26 million people are in a race against time for powers greater and richer than their own seek to impose their will, and their design onto a nation whose only ambition has been to stand free, sovereign and independent.


Yemen has become a terrible statistic – one of death, misery, hopelessness and devastation.


Yemen one would argue exists beyond all manners of contention … when an entire nation sits on the verge of famine, plagued by pestilence, it skies darkened by warplanes, politics quickly becomes irrelevant. And yet, politics we have been told has demanded that more violence still be spent on a people whose lives are but hanging by a thin thread.""



Le filtre de la langue  anglaise aide quand les informations sont catastrophiques.


Voici ce poème qui fera ici office de "commentaire" à la catastrophe de la guerre au Yémen :


If my heart could do the thinking
And my head begin to feel
I'd look upon the world anew
And know what's truly real

~ Van Morrison




La coulée verte. Me renseignant sur le 15è arrondissement de Paris, j'ai lu quelque chose dont j'avais déjà entendu parler. Une ligne de chemin de fer, concurrencée par le métro, formant ou desservant "la petite ceinture",  désaffectée depuis un certain temps devient Parc linéaire, Espace Vert, ouvert au public.


Ici :

